Difference seen | Possible Cause | Action/ Solution |
Band(s) at lower molecular weight than expected
Band(s) at slightly higher molecular weight than expected, and may be blurred
Protein may be glycosylated or otherwise modified at one or more amino acid residues
Band(s) at significantly higher molecular weight than expected
Dimers, multimers, or protein-protein interactions may be occuring because samples have not been fully reduced and denatured. |
Multiple bands at various molecular weights
Primary antibody concentration may be too high, or there
is a cross-reactivity with similar epitopes on other proteins
Secondary antibody concentration is too high leading to non-specific binding
Protein exists in several different isoforms
Bands are blurry | Gel was run at too high a voltage |
Incorrect running buffer composition
Trapped air bubble present during transfer
Bands are smile shaped, not flat
Running conditions were too fast
so gel became over heated
White (negative) bands on the film when using ECL detection
Too much protein has been loaded
Antibody concentration is too high
Chapter 6: Western Blot Troubleshooting | Western Blot Troubleshoot: No Bands |