Maximize Success

Antibody Advice GuideThe success of your western blotting and flow cytometry experiments, among other techniques, hinges on the quality and appropriate use of antibodies. The development of critical knowledge required to select the right antibody, and to handle and use it correctly, can maximize success and minimize failure.

Become an antibody expert and improve your experiments with the new Antibody Advice Guide.

This comprehensive practical guide provides an introduction to antibodies and information on how to select, handle, and use them effectively, with links to helpful tools and protocols.

The guide covers:

Selecting Your Antibody

Here, antibodies are introduced as critical tools for life science research. The terminology surrounding antibodies is demystified and linked to the tangible content that appears on antibody datasheets. This information, including antibody structure and class, format, and host and target species, will help you select the right antibody for every experiment.

Handling Your Antibody

Once you receive an antibody, it is important that you store it correctly to avoid degradation. Care should also be taken when removing an antibody from storage for use in an experiment. In this section, advice is provided for storing, aliquoting, and thawing to ensure that these critical reagents are not damaged during use.

Knowing Your Target

When planning to detect a target protein using an antibody, the biology of a target will influence your experimental setup. Proteins with low expression, for example, might require sample concentration for adequate detection. The cellular localization of a target will determine if permeabilization is required. This part walks through experimental planning based on target biology.

Working with Your Antibody

To get the most out of your experiments with a new antibody, it is important to review protocols, controls, working concentrations, and buffers to make sure that an experimental plan is still correct. This section guides you to recommended protocols, through different types of control, and to information on how to titrate a new antibody.

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