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20x Tris Buffered Saline with Tween 20

Product Type
Accessory Reagent

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Datasheet Datasheet Datasheet
SDS Safety Datasheet SDS
C P 500 ml loader
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Intended Use
Add 100ml TBS solution to 1.9 litres distilled water to prepare solution of TBS/0.1% Tween 20 for use in washing of sections during immunohistology staining procedures.
Product Form
Concentrated liquid
For research purposes only
Guaranteed until date of expiry. Please see product label.

Store stock solution at room temperature.

This product has been reported to work in the following applications. This information is derived from testing within our laboratories, peer-reviewed publications or personal communications from the originators. Please refer to references indicated for further information. For general protocol recommendations, please visit the antibody protocols page.
Application Name Verified Min Dilution Max Dilution
Immunohistology - Frozen
Immunohistology - Paraffin
Where this product has not been tested for use in a particular technique this does not necessarily exclude its use in such procedures. Suggested working dilutions are given as a guide only. It is recommended that the user titrates the product for use in their own system using appropriate negative/positive controls.

References for TBS/Tween

  1. Hu, X. et al. (2023) ADAMTS1 induces epithelial-mesenchymal transition pathway in non-small cell lung cancer by regulating TGF-β.
    Aging (Albany NY). 15 (6): 2097-2114.
  2. Ciupińska-Kajor, M. et al. (2013) Hepatic angiogenesis and fibrosis are common features in morbidly obese patients.
    Hepatol Int. 7 (1): 233-40.
  3. Wei, Y. et al. (2021) USP22 promotes melanoma and BRAF inhibitor resistance via YAP stabilization.
    Oncol Lett. 21 (5): 394.
  4. Zhaliazka, K. & Kurouski, D. (2023) Nanoscale imaging of individual amyloid aggregates extracted from brains of Alzheimer and Parkinson patients reveals presence of lipids in α-synuclein but not in amyloid β(1-42) fibrils.
    Protein Sci. 32 (4): e4598.
  5. Gau, D.M. & Roy, P. (2020) An in vitro Assay to Screen for Substrates of PKA Using Phospho-motif-specific Antibodies.
    Bio Protoc. 10 (8) [Epub ahead of print].

Western Blotting

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Please Note: All Products are "FOR RESEARCH PURPOSES ONLY"

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