Danielle Germundson

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PhD in Clinical and Translational Sciences
Studied At
University of North Dakota
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Danielle Germudson is a PhD Candidate at the Department of Pathology, University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences, USA.

She is researching the relationship and mechanism of how peripheral food allergy can influence the central nervous system and cause behavioral changes.

4 blogs authored by Danielle Germundson
Myelin: It’s Great to Insulate

In this guest blog, we dive into the structure and function of myelin and the consequences of myelin-associated diseases.

Looking Beneath the Surface: Viral Clearance by Anti-Nucleoproteins

This guest blog examines a paper published by Caddy et al. (2020) in EMBO Journal that sheds new light on anti-nucleoprotein antibodies and clearance ...

A T Cell for Your Thoughts?

Can T cells influence our brain function? In this guest blog, we explore the contribution of T cells to learning and memory.

A MASTer Immune cell

In this guest blog, we take a look at some of the areas outside of allergy that mast cells play a role in.

Pen Timer Coaster