Podcast: The Importance of Cell Frequency

07 February, 2019;
Podcast: The Importance of Cell Frequency

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Keep your mind active during lab breaks, or warm-up for the day ahead on your commute, with short podcasts from Bio-Rad. With more than 35 years of antibody expertise, our podcasts are designed to help you improve your lab performance and get winning results.

Essentials of Flow Cytometry

Do your research before setting up your experiments by listening to our short podcasts on the essentials of flow cytometry. Each podcast features expert advice from the Bio-Rad Antibody team on important steps to improve your flow cytometry results.


The Importance of Cell Frequency

Do you know the frequency of your population of interest? Learn about the impact of cell frequency on flow cytometry experiments and how you can optimize your conditions to improve detection of rare populations in this podcast from Bio-Rad.

Duration: 04:22   |   File size: 3752KB   |   Recommended browsers: Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

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New to Flow Cytometry?

Why not read our blog "5 Easy Steps for Successful Flow Cytometry"? 


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