Jey Alagarsamy

Guest Contributor

MSc in Molecular Genetics, Biochemistry and Microbiology
Studied At
University of Cincinatti
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Jey is an experienced researcher with extensive practice in scientific research and writing. Her career includes notable contributions to translational research in areas such as multiple sclerosis, metabolic diseases, and infectious diseases.

Jey is dedicated to educational initiatives, content writing, and outreach activities to make science accessible to diverse communities.

2 blogs authored by Jey Alagarsamy
Unlocking the Secret to Happiness: New Research Suggests Genetic Roots in Our DNA

In this blog, we discuss a recent study investigating how genetics influences happiness across different ages and ancestral backgrounds.

Unraveling Neuroprotection: A Small Molecule's Journey in Treating Multiple Sclerosis

In this blog, we discuss the efficacy of a small molecule for the treatment of multiple sclerosis.

Pen Timer Coaster